
By taxi
By taxi

There are some taxi companies in Kėdainiai. You can found their telephone numbers in bus stations, phone-boxes other public places.

By bus
By bus

Kėdainiai has a local bus company "Kėdbusas" which serves in the city ad local district. You can get to all city parts by city bus. Almost all buses a new and comfortable. You must enter through the fist bus doors and buy a ticket from the bus driver. Also you can buy the ticket from kiosk before but you must it give to mark for bus driver. The ticket costs 1.5 litas, it a little cheaper at the kiosk. Also, there are discounts for students and invalids. Buses is not th best way to get in any place in the district even if your destiny is not a far from the city because district bus service is poor and buses go not frequently to rural places.

There is private bus service at the city also.